The Brewer’s Blackbird is one of many bird species that are found along the Napa river… Down in the tidal flats where it gets wide just before meeting the bay…
Tune into (104.9 FM Sonoma County) to listen for the current segment. Ear to the Wild is a short interstitial segment aired somewhat randomly throughout the day between other programs. They use shorts and postcards to fill airtime during breaks from Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Also during their music programing, as needed. Greta Mart tends to air them during her show around 4:47 or 5:47.
We are posting more soon, so please check back!
Check out these links for more information about the Brewer’s Blackbird:
Sonoma Birdwatching Spots: The Brewer’s Blackbird
Birdwatching HQ: 11 Types of Blackbirds Found in California
All About Birds: The Brewer’s Blackbird
Audubon Guide to North American Birds: Brewer’s Blackbird
California Dept of Fish and Wildlife (PDF download): California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System