Some indigenous tribes in California regard Mountain lions as relatives, and consider them to be teachers. They’re revered for their intelligence and incredible athletic abilities.…
Tune into (104.9 FM Sonoma County) to listen for the current segment. Ear to the Wild is a short interstitial segment aired somewhat randomly throughout the day between other programs. They use shorts and postcards to fill airtime during breaks from Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Also during their music programing, as needed. Greta Mart tends to air them during her show around 4:47 or 5:47.
We are posting more soon, so please check back!
Check out these links for more information about Mountain Lions:
The Mountain Lion Foundation: The Archaeology of America’s Lion
Native Americans and Mountain Lions: The Sacred Cat (Julie West of MLF interviews Steve Pavlik)
Living with Lions: Collaring and tracking mountain lions of the North Bay
Audubon Canyon Ranch: Mountain lion P1 lethally removed in Southeast Santa Rosa after attack on farm animals and pets
VOA News: Tribes Bury Southern California Famed Mountain Lion, P-22