California Quail make a lot of different sounds, but the easiest one to remember is a three-syllable song that sounds like they’re saying “Chi-ca-go, Chi-ca-go.”
S1-19 Listening for Biodiversity
The soundscape in this forest of White Alder is incredible! Just listen to the diversity of sounds. There’s the water in the creek, at least one species of insect, and eight or more species of bird. So much can be learned just by listening to a place!
S1-18 Saving Steelhead
Fisheries biologist David Hines is standing at the bank of Walker creek, near the town of Tomales. He’s here as part of an effort to help protect Steelhead trout. Steelhead used to be abundant along the Central California coast, but now their very existence here is threatened...
S1-17 Biophony: The Music of Life
Most habitats are made up of a fairly diverse mix of creatures. And, in this one we can hear a few different species... Now, you may think they’re all just randomly singing, but think again...
S1-16 Tomales Bay Geophony
As one approaches the age-old shoreline of Tomales Bay, at Marshall Beach, a certain kind of Geophony, or earth sound, is heard.
S1-15 The Beginnings of Spring
The sun is just starting to rise in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. It’s a clear February morning in 2009… And it’s just a couple of degrees above freezing. But listen…
S1-14 The Lesser Goldfinch
It’s an overcast January morning, just three months after the Nuns fire, in Glen Ellen. From the burnt oak woodlands comes an incredible, wild sound.…
S1-13 The Spirit of the Bobcat
It’s an overcast January morning, just three months after the Nuns fire, in Glen Ellen. From the burnt oak woodlands comes an incredible, wild sound.…
S1-12 Long-eared Owls
One winter night, in the Valley of the Moon, a strange sound was heard. It was like a cat up in the trees…
S1-11 Red-shouldered Hawks
By the mid-twentieth century the unmistakable call of the Red-shouldered Hawk had become rare in California due to the impact of expanding human land use.
S1-10 Golden Eagles
The majesty and grace of the Golden Eagles, their voices reverberating across the landscape, can serve as a reminder of what it means to be wild.
S1-09 Pacific Mole Crabs
Between the crash, swash, and sizzle of the waves, listen for the quiet bubbling of the Pacific mole crab.
S1-08 American Robin Christmas Berry Feast
When the Christmas berry feast is on Robins bring a flurry of activity to an otherwise subdued soundscape.
S1-07 The Stillness of Winter
In late fall a stillness can be heard in the soundscapes of Sonoma County. Much of life’s energy turns within in preparation for the dormancy of winter…
S1-06 The Essential Voice of the Pacific Treefrog
It all starts with rain filling the streams, ponds, and marshes… Then comes the familiar chorus of the Pacific Treefrog in the night…
S1-05 Thunder Tells an Ancient Story
For over 25 million years the rains have been sculpting these hills and valleys, shaping the watersheds and filling them with life. From the thunder begins an ancient story, born from and sustained by the perpetual cycle of rain.
S1-04 A Brief Tale from the Great Pacific Flyway
The Golden-crowned Sparrow’s song, heard here with evening frogs and crickets, tells an ancient tale of travel and adventure, to far off places along the great Pacific flyway.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wild Turkey Processional video featuring added vocals by Rumi the Dog.
S1-03 Chinook Salmon
The sound of Chinook Salmon swimming upstream to spawn
S1-01 Dawn at Ledson Marsh
The dawn chorus at Ledson Marsh, in Annadel State Park. Featuring material from our "Ledson Marsh” album!