Harbor seals spend up to 70% of their life underwater. Their aquatic home can sound strange and even abstract to our ears. In this recording from Jenner we can hear harbor seals making grunting sounds, and blowing bubbles.
Tune into KRCB.org (104.9 FM Sonoma County) to listen for the current segment. Ear to the Wild is a short interstitial segment aired somewhat randomly throughout the day between other programs. They use shorts and postcards to fill airtime during breaks from Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Also during their music programing, as needed. Greta Mart tends to air them during her show around 4:47 or 5:47.
Check out these links for more information about Harbor Seals:
Alameda Point Environmental Report: Harbor seal molting and mating behavior up close
CA State Parks Seal Watch: Sonoma Coast State Beach, Docent Manual
Kayak Dave: Guidelines for kayaking with seals
SeaDoc Society: Harbor Seals’ Super-powered Cuteness (Salish Sea Wild) - YouTube