White-breasted Nuthatches get their name from the way they crack open seeds. They wedge the seed into a nook in the bark of a tree and tap at it with their beak until they hatch it open. Listen to this small flock of White-breasted nuthatches calling and tapping in the trees.
Tune into KRCB.org (104.9 FM Sonoma County) to listen for the current segment. Ear to the Wild is a short interstitial segment aired somewhat randomly throughout the day between other programs. They use shorts and postcards to fill airtime during breaks from Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Also during their music programing, as needed. Greta Mart tends to air them during her show around 4:47 or 5:47.
Check out these links for more information about the White-breasted Nuthatch:
Sonoma Birding Spots: White-breasted Nuthatch
Audubon: White-breasted Nuthatch