In the Fall Acorn Woodpeckers are busy collecting acorns and stashing them in holes they’ve drilled in trees. Once known as the California Woodpecker, Acorn Woodpeckers are a prominent member of oak woodland communities throughout the state.
Tune into (104.9 FM Sonoma County) to listen for the current segment. Ear to the Wild is a short interstitial segment aired somewhat randomly throughout the day between other programs. They use shorts and postcards to fill airtime during breaks from Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Also during their music programing, as needed. Greta Mart tends to air them during her show around 4:47 or 5:47.
Check out these links for more information about Acorn Woodpeckers:
The Sonoma County Gazette: Meet the Acorn Woodpecker
Sonoma County Bird Watching Spots: Acorn Woodpecker
Nature in Novato: The Harlequin Carpenters - Acorn Woodpeckers
All About Birds: Acorn Woodpecker